It is a great piece. It is refreshing to hear an author critique the tendencies and weaknesses that arise from one’s own ideology. (I also have left of centre political views). It seems to me it is especially important in our current times that we continue to apply “rigorous analysis” and “objective, reasoned and reality-based critiques of the world we find ourselves trying to navigate.” Isn’t that the only way to know which way is up?

Thanks for your work; it is reassuring.

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Thank you, Lorraine, I really appreciate your response. Honestly, I think the biggest service people on the Left who value truth, reason, and objectivity could do, is to spend more time trying to hold our own side to account on these issues. As you say, this is the only way to know which way is up :)

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Alan, I'm an American "old school liberal" and this post greatly articulates my frustration with the far left in America. Thank you for writing it. You may have alluded to this in another post, but I wonder if some of the ideas from the book The Coddling of the American Mind can explain why the left is the way it is in America. I still have yet to read it.

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A great read indeed! Detailed and comprehensive, yet on-point, it seems like every single word is carefully chosen.. While I share more left-wing views myself, I really want to thank you for, ‘den Finger in die Wunde legen’! Necessary indeed..

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