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If there's one thing I'd like to share with everyone (even indoctrinate, why not?), it's the difference bw OUGHT and IS. Once we leave the terra firma of IS and venture into the highly subjective and often fantastical OUGHT, we move from an ability to find shared premises into the realm of arguing abstractions (my utopia is bigger than yours!). And, as mentioned here, OUGHT is just a synonym for Morality (and its evil twin, Moralism), which I'll let Wilde define: "Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike."

The Taoists do away with morality entirely (and replace it w simple benevolence), because once any Morality is posited it just becomes another way for people to compete and wound each other. This seems to be almost superhuman—I judge you, therefore I am (better than you) is more of a Western mantra—but is piece of wisdom that should be sprinkled onto every intellectual meal.


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